endtimevitamins pray for healing strength wisdom empathy coronavirus

Pray for healing, strength, wisdom, & empathy as we pass through this deadly coronavirus

Our Father in Heaven, our Creator, our Healer, our Friend.

We come to You in awe of Your sustaining power, mercy, and love.

We praise You because we are alive and that we know that You are still in control despite everything that is happening around us.

We adore You for Your everlasting kindness unto us and all humankind.

We thank You for Your mighty arm that has all the power to heal both our physical diseases and our spiritual infirmities.

Thank you for being our Friend by whom we count on and will unconditionally listen and help.

We are always indebted to the pardon you freely give. We receive it by faith while resting on the promises of Your living words.

By this, we once more give You thanks for the assurance that our prayers are heard not because of who we are but because of the perfect character of our Mediator, Your Son, Jesus Christ. In boldness and confidence, we now come unto Your holy throne in heaven and lift to You our petitions.

Our loving God, here are the people who are suffering in Wuhan, in China, and in many parts of the world whom You loved so much.

Many have been inflicted with this deadly virus. We plead, oh God, for Your healing hands to extend upon these afflicted individuals and families. May You be seen working powerfully through the hands of the doctors, nurses, and medical personnel in giving hope and healing to them.

We also pray for scientists, chemists, all of them who are looking for effective solutions to this global scare. We also pray for the authorities who are containing the expanse of this epidemic. Please give them more strength, courage, and motivation to do what is necessary.

We also pray for the general public to be positively engaged in doing precautionary actions beings responsible citizens.

We also pray for everyone to be understanding and caring regardless of race, religion, and nationality.

May this pandemic be a lesson to each one of us to trust in Your leading.

Strengthen us day by day, dear Lord. Give us wisdom. Give us extra protection. Let Your miracles cause many to praise You and Your Son, Jesus.

Nevertheless, Father, not our will but Thine be done. We surrender this matter unto Your compassionate hands. Whatever Your answer to this prayer, we trust in Your perfect plan. Please give us the wisdom and patience to see your guidance.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. AMEN.